This post was last updated on April 17th at 3:30pm
To the Residents of the 14th District,
We are now 27 days into Illinois' Stay at Home Order. This past month has presented new challenges for friends and neighbors. We have made home offices, deepened our appreciation for teachers, supported neighbors who have lost their jobs, felt grateful for first responders and essential employees that feed us and maintain clean spaces, and grieved with friends who have lost loved ones. Our actions, together, make us all safer. As hard as it has been and as as hard as it will continue to be, we must be #allinillinois to keep up our efforts at staying home, social distancing, and doing everything we can to protect our communities.
My office has created a COVID-19 webpage with up-to-date information for you and your family. We will continue to provide weekly summaries of new information as well. You can read last week's update here.
As of today, Illinois has 27,575 reported cases and 1,134 reported deaths. Daily updates on case count and general resources have been compiled by Gov. Pritzker here. You can also see community by community data for Cook County here.
1) Illinois Schools: As of today, schools across Illinois will be physically closed for the remainder of the school year. Additional information for the state can be found from the Illinois State Board of Education here. For school specific information, please contact your school or district.
2) Economic Impact Payments: This week, the IRS began issuing individual payments. Millions of Americans received a payment on Wednesday. If you have not received a payment yet, you can update your information with the IRS here. If you have questions or complications, you can find out more here.
3) Resource for Small Businesses & Newly Unemployed: Ongoing information about resources for small business is regularly updated on our COVID-19 information for businesses page and information about unemployment insurance is regularly updated on our COVID-19 information for individuals page. These pages are updated regularly and draw resources from Cook County, Illinois, and federal programs.
4) Face Coverings: Governor Pritzker & the CDC both issued new guidance on wearing face coverings that snuggly cover your nose and mouth. More information on that guidance as well as directions are here.
5) What the Flush?!: As more and more people are staying home, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District wants to help you figure out what to flush to help you maintain your pipes and sewage system. You can find out what to flush here!
6) Take Out Dining: An ongoing list of local restaurants offering take out is here.
7) Looking to Help?: Thank you to all of our neighbors who are stepping up to help! An ongoing list of opportunities for donations and volunteers is here.
Be well,
Commissioner Scott Britton