Commissioner Britton has long believed that housing is right, evidenced by his support of the Just Housing Ordinance and his leadership in crafting the Residential Tenant Landlord Ordinance. Effective now for a year and a half, the Residential Tenant Landlord Ordinance provides protections for both renters and landlords clearly outlining the responsibilities of both parties. The Residential Tenant Landlord Ordinance also prohibits landlords from locking out tenants and mandates that the proper eviction process is followed.

Commissioner Britton was instrumental in the creation of Cook County Legal Aid for Housing and Debt (CCLAHD). CCLAHD provides mediation and counseling for individuals facing eviction, a landlord seeking to evict, individuals behind on mortgage payments, and individuals with unpaid debt to be connected to free legal help. This year, CCLAHD continued to grow its outreach, and the program is now shared in all housing courtrooms throughout Cook County. If you would like to connect with the Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program, you can call the helpline at (855)452-2637. Renters and landlords dealing with an eviction are invited to call (855)956-5763.

A new Cook County initiative, funded by ARPA dollars, was the Medical Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI). In partnership with the national nonprofit RIP Medical debt, Cook County is looking to leverage $12 million in funding to cancel up to $1 billion in medical debt for Cook County residents. Reduced medical debt offers recipients financial stability, improved health equity, and reduced stress.
Earlier this year, Commissioner Britton joined President Preckwinkle in announcing the recipients of the Building Healthy Communities grant. Twelve million dollars in grant funding was earmarked to expand programming that promotes mental health, food security, and positive youth development throughout Cook County.
In early winter, Commissioner Britton partnered with the Cook County Sheriff's Office to spray paint catalytic converters as a theft deterrent. Residents were able to bring cars of all kinds to be briefly lifted by a tow truck while a member of the sheriff's office added the Sheriff's Office's decal to the underside of the vehicle. Additionally, the Sheriff's Office has a car tracking program to allow law enforcement to access data location information for the described vehicle from the relevant car company if the car has been unlawfully taken and such information is available. Interested residents are invited to complete the required paperwork.
Ensuring that residents of the 14th District receive equitable access to all the programming that Cook County has to offer continues to be a primary focus of Commissioner Britton. Should you ever find yourself with a question about any of these programs, please reach out to the office at (847)729-9300.