In October 2020, Commissioner Scott Britton led the Countywide adoption of the Ten Shared Principles to declare ongoing efforts to ensure the County and Forest Preserve are welcoming to all residents. The Principles were created by the Illinois NAACP and the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (ILACP) to advance police reform and build trust between police and communities they serve.
Commissioner Britton hosted a powerful Forest Preserve Police Department signing ceremony in March. The historic moment brought together Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle, Forest Preserve Superintendent Arnold Randall, Commissioner Donna Miller, President of the NAACP Illinois State Conference Teresa Haley, ILACP President and Hazel Crest Chief of Police Mitchell Davis, Chair of the Illinois NAACP Criminal Justice Committee Robert Moore, and President of the Chicago Westside Branch NAACP Karl Brinson.
In March, Commissioner Britton also hosted a Candid Conversation Based on the Ten Shared Principles with the Forest Preserves of Cook County, in partnership with the Illinois NAACP, ILACP, and the NAACP Chicago Westside and Southside branches. Dozens of community members from across the County provided direct feedback based on their lived experiences and engaged in small-group dialogues with Forest Preserve police officers. We were grateful to have robust and diverse representation from NAACP Chicago Westside, NAACP Chicago Southside, the Peoples Lobby USA, Bike Palatine, and FPCC Trails, BLM Women of Faith, Juvenile Protective Association, Cycle Brookfield, District Director of Rep. Danny Davis office, My block My Hood My City, Ride Illinois, Black Public Safety Alliance nonprofit, Blacks in Green, Faith in Place, PASO Action, and AT&T.
In May, Commissioner Britton hosted another community dialogue with officers from the Wheeling, Glenview, Prospect Heights, Buffalo Grove, and Palatine police departments and over 40 constituents from those communities.
In November, Northbrook formally adopted the Ten Shared Principles through unanimous Resolution.