Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970 as an environmental teach-in, Earth Day is today celebrated by more than a billion people in 190 countries globally.
There are so many ways you and your family can celebrate, learn, and explore the wonders of our planet safely in the great outdoors and from the comfort of your home!
Here are 15 ideas for how you can enjoy Earth Day as you stay-at-home or safely (and with social distancing) go outside.
Honor the Earth through art! Draw your favorite Forest Preserve, your favorite flower, or create a mandala design using plants from right outside your home!
Learn about what the Cook County Forest Preserve was like 50 years ago when Earth Day first began!
Check out the Campaign for Nature to help protect 30% of the planet's land and sea by 2030
Earth Day starts at home - read about some of the unusual happenings at the Shedd Aquarium!
Spend Earth Day with Astronaut Jessica Meir on the Space Station
Join for 24 Hours of Action in a global digital landscape and have global conversations with your peer conservationists!
Learn how to install a rain barrel from the Forest Preserve District and use water captured from your roof to water your plants
Take a walk and practice your observation skills with Nature Bingo
S.A.V.E the Earth for Digital Earth Day and Speak up, Act, Vote and Educate yourself