With a long weekend coming up, the Forest Preserves of Cook County is encouraging residents to enjoy Memorial Day at home.
From Friday, May 22, to Monday, May 25, the Forest Preserves is closing parking lots at Dan Ryan Woods, Schiller Woods, Busse Woods, Maple Lake, Saganashkee Slough, Catherine Chevalier Woods, LaBagh Woods, and Bunker Hill. The parking lot closures are intended to keep low traffic at the most popular Forest Preserve picnicking locations and make the outdoors experience safer for visitors.
At all Forest Preserves sites, picnics, cookouts, sports, and gatherings with people outside of your household are banned. You can read our previous post on how to safely enjoy the preserves.
Instead, the Forest Preserves is encouraging you to
Share a photo of your grill! Give a glimpse of your barbecue, family meal, or recipe. Tag @fpdcc on Instagram.
Order in from a local restaurant. A list of area restaurants offering takeout is here.
Connect with nature at home! The Forest Preserves have activities and videos about local plants and wildlife.
As always, Memorial Day is a day when we honor those who have given their lives protecting America. This year, let's honor those who are working hard to protect us now by staying home.