Earlier this week, President Preckwinkle, Chief Judge Evans, Commissioner Anaya, and Commissioner Britton held a press conference to announce the launch of Cook County Legal Aid for Housing and Debt (CCLAHD).
CCLAHD will help residents resolve eviction, foreclosure, debt, and tax deed issues. This program will serve as a lifeline for many suburban Cook County families as they navigate new financial realities under COVID-19.
“The Cook County Legal Aid for Housing and Debt offers a lifeline to suburban residents,” said Cook County Commissioner Scott Britton. “As a lawyer, I have been acutely aware of the impending legal battles that so many Cook County residents will be facing on the other side of the pandemic. The negative impacts of evictions and unresolved debt can be debilitating for working families across the County, often wreaking havoc on mental and physical health and leading to long-term financial instability. Suburban Cook County is particularly at risk to see a sharp increase in evictions and foreclosures, and the stressors that come along with it. It was an honor to collaborate with President Preckwinkle, Chief Judge Evans, the Chicago Bar Foundation, and so many others to make this a reality.”
The first program under the initiative, the Early Resolution Program (ERP), launched on November 23, 2020. The ERP provides free legal assistance, counseling, pre-court mediation, and case management for residents and landlords dealing with evictions or delinquent property taxes, and creditors and debtors with issues related to consumer debt.
The services are provided on a pro-bono basis for residents of Cook County without legal representation, are providing assistance to:
tenants facing eviction
landlords dealing with an eviction
debtors being sued for unpaid debts
creditors wishing to sue on the basis of unpaid debts
residents who have defaulted on property tax payments or mortgage foreclosure payments
For more information, or to get help, visit www.cookcountylegalaid.org or call (855) 956-5763.