Village President Mike Jenny proclaimed Tuesday "United Against Hate Day" in Glenview at the Village Board meeting.
Eric DeGrechie,Patch Staff

GLENVIEW, IL — Last year, a number of residents across the North Shore and Chicagoland received packages of antisemitic letters in their driveways. Local leaders held rallies decrying the hateful acts, and the Cook County United Against Hate campaign was launched.
At Tuesday night's Glenview Village Board meeting, Village President Mike Jenny proclaimed the day "United Against Hate Day" in Glenview and encouraged residents to take a pledge against prejudice.
"The concept of this campaign is to call out [the prejudice because] hate against one is hate against all. There are too many symbols of hate that we see in our society on a regular basis," said Commissioner Scott Britton (D-14th District), who resides in Glenview and received the letters at his home. "This new symbol that we have is I hope going to be a unifying focus."
Britton, who said he had attended a meeting in Northfield prior to Glenview regarding the subject, has set a goal to get all 24 communities he represents in the 14th District to sign on. He added that there has been a rise of 350 percent in antisemitic hate crimes in the last two years.
"This must end, and I believe this resolution will be part of the solution," Britton said.
The pledge, which can be found here, reads:
I pledge to unite against hate and join with my community to welcome all people regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, class, or other background.
I pledge to:
Actively learn from those with lived experiences that are different from mine
Question hateful acts when I see or hear them
Educate myself on how to safely interrupt hate
Support efforts towards social justice
Inspire others to take this pledge