In early May, Illinois released the Restore Illinois plan, which is a five-phase roadmap for reopening Illinois.

Each phase includes metrics that would allow a region to move from to the next phase. The Restore Illinois plan, with all of the details on the different phases, is online here.
You can now track many of these metrics here and see whether or not your region is on-track to move into the next phase. Cook County is part of the Northeast Region.
Per the metrics listed online, the Northeast Region, and all regions in the state, are on track to move to phase three at the end of May. Though this is subject to change as data is collected each day.
In phase three, different sectors are allowed to open with social distancing measures in place:
Non-essential manufacturing can open with social distancing
Barbershops and salons can open with social distancing guidelines
Health and fitness centers can provide outdoor classes and one-on-one personal training
Retail stores can open with limited capacity and social distancing
Other non-food/beverage, non-essential businesses can open with social distancing although they are strongly recommended to telework if possible
In phase three, restaurants and bars will remain open for takeout and delivery only.